Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Do you want to win a Ipod Touch?

How to participate?

Create and send a video to YouTube you created in the counting in their mother tongue, why you like Babylon. To do this, you can complete the following sentences or invent you want.

1. I love Babylon because ...

2. Babylon helps me when ...

3. The most useful feature of Babylon is ...

4. Babylon is a wonderful invention because ...

Tips: You can use the following examples, based on actual user reviews, to complete the sentences in their native language:

"I love Babylon because it is easy and intuitive to use. Thanks to him, I can read and understand the old letters that my grandfather wrote in Russian. With Babylon I have learned more about the history of my family."

Babylon allows me to read local news from China, the country where I live. This way I can become more integrated into the community. "

"The most useful feature is the possibility of Babylon to translate whole web pages with one click, so I can surf the web and visiting pages that were closed to me before, thanks Babylon".

Recommended Video Duration: 1 minute

iPersuádanos, sorpréndanos, arránquenos a smile or make you laugh! The creators of the 5 most compelling videos will win an iPod.

You can use a webcam or video camera to record indoors or outdoors: as you like, but always without leaving the frame ...

Assign the following tag to the video: "BabylonVideoComp"

Send us a video link to:

Include your full name and postal address in the email. Transport from a valid email address and we will use that email address to contact the winners.

The period of the contest ends October 30, 2009

Assessment criteria

We seek the most compelling video. Babylon's team will evaluate the entries. In particular, we value:

- Interests: Babylon convénzanos that is useful for you.

- Creativity: send something fun, interesting, exciting, let us laugh or mourn

- Global: Speak in your own language. (iImprescindible!)

5 videos will announce the winners on 15 November. Winners will receive a brand new 32GB iPod Touch directly from Apple Store or an authorized local distributor.

Copyright and conditions of the contest

By participating in the YouTube contest Babylon, declares that it is violating copyright and owns all copyrights to the submitted video or have permission.

By submitting a video to YouTube contest Babylon, hereby agree to the following:

1) Authorize Babylon-a non-exclusive, free, transferable (with right to authorize the alternative), worldwide right to use, reproduce, modify, distribute, use as a basis for other works, display, and perform in the video anyway . The possible use by Babylon includes, without limitation, promoting and redistributing part or all of the services of Babylon (and derivative works thereof) in any media or via any communication channel ;

2) Authorize all Internet users on a non-exclusive, worldwide free-to access video through Babylon or other websites, and to use, reproduce, distribute, use as a basis for other works, show and render the video as they wish.

3) Accept Terms of Use ( of the Community Standards ( and the copyright notices (http : / / / t / copyright_notice) from YouTube and any other condition of YouTube.

4) Give up contesting the results of the competition and acknowledge that Babylon is entitled only to the winning videos.

About Babylon Ltd. is the leading provider of solutions and online translation dictionaries. The user base exceeds 55 million desktop installations.

Babylon sold more than 2.5 million licenses of the software to users and private organizations in over 200 countries.

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